Our Mission
Law Enforcement Museum
The Oklahoma Law Enforcement Museum has been established to identify, protect, collect, preserve and exhibit artifacts and items of historical importance that show the contributions of men and women and important events that trace the development of the profession of law enforcement in Oklahoma history from Indian Territory to the present.
Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame
The Oklahoma Law Enforcement Hall of Fame was established to identify and honor the historical and living men and women who while serving at all levels of the profession and who by their actions and personal integrity merit the ultimate recognition as an outstanding leader in the fields of Oklahoma Law Enforcement.
Law Enforcement Educational Scholarship
The Oklahoma Law Enforcement Museum and Hall of Fame will establish a memorial educational scholarship to support the surviving children of Oklahoma commission law enforcement officers who are killed in the official line of duty. This endowment will be coordinated with the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education and the appointed Chair and membership will be from education, banking, finance and the law enforcement professionals.